Hard Drive Degaussing Service in Bangalore

    Data Destruction

    Data Destruction is fundamental to Zolopik’s operations, with a focus on safeguarding data for both corporate and government clients. Data destruction involves registering and serializing data-carrying assets, followed by either sanitization or physical destruction according to NIST 800-88 Rev1 standards. This process, meeting or surpassing most clients’ needs, clears, purges, or obliterates data depending on media type and security classification.

    Demilitarization Solutions

    Primarily catering to government entities and contractors, our demilitarization services offer heightened security measures. No unauthorized personnel are permitted during processing, and all materials are escorted into the facility by the customer’s contractor and a government representative. Witnessed destruction is signed off by Zolopik, the contractor, and government representatives. We handle sanitization, disposal, and recycling of assets up to “TOP SECRET” classification in line with Storage Device Sanitization Manual guidelines.

    Advanced Data Elimination

    Certain industries demand heightened data obliteration methods. Our enhanced data eradication services provide multiple wipe options or media shredding, employing physical or software-based destruction techniques, either on-site or at our secure facilities.

    Top-tier Security – Monitored Data Disposal 

    At our facilities, we offer high-security services where data-bearing assets are processed in dedicated loads under customer escort. Our highly trained security personnel ensure compliance with specific customer requirements and relevant data security regulations.

    On-site Data Shredding

    For clients requiring elevated data security, we provide on-site shredding services, ensuring physical destruction of data-bearing devices. With full on-site chain of custody and traceability, all media processing is closely monitored.

    What is Hard Disk Degaussing?

    Hard Disk Degaussing, a form of demagnetizing, involves subjecting magnetic media, such as computer or laptop hard disk drives, or film media, to an extremely powerful magnet to erase the data stored in the hard drive.

      How Does it Work?
      •  Upon proposal acceptance, Zolopik schedules the delivery of degaussing equipment via a secure vehicle to your facility for witnessed on-site degaussing. A count of media and/or serial number capture of media is conducted. Hard drives are then stored in a tray and inserted into the degaussing machine, ensuring 100% of data has been destroyed. Degaussed hard drives are packed in our secure truck and transported to the recycling facility for further recycling. You may also choose our secure recycling facility for degaussing.
      Can a Degaussed Hard Drive be Reused?

      No, once degaussed, hard drives cannot be reused. The degaussing process not only removes all the hard drive data but also removes the startup files, rendering the hard drive incapable of booting up.

      What is an On-Site Degaussing Service?

      Our on-site degaussing service allows customers to witness the entire degaussing process at their location, company, or industry premises, followed by data checks conducted by the IT team.

      Does the Degaussing Machine Generate the Report?

      Upon confirmation of the E-waste disposal order from corporate companies, financial institutions, or any other companies, we assure 100% free data degaussing service.

      Do you provide hard-disk data degaussing services in Bangalore?

      Yes, we offer hard-disk data degaussing services using a powerful 12,000 Oe magnetic degausser. This ensures permanent data destruction and meets global standards for data sanitization. Certificates are issued for verification purposes.

      What is degaussing, and how does it work?

      Degaussing is a process where magnetic media is exposed to a powerful, alternating magnetic field, effectively erasing previously written data. Our process records field data for certification and audit purposes, ensuring complete data destruction.

      Contact us to know more about our free data degaussing service here.

      Zolopik stands as India's premier fully integrated Electronics & IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) provider, specializing in cybersecurity-focused hardware destruction.